
Friday, 27 November 2020


this week we are doing a experiment Separating a Mixture using Evaporation: Aim: to separete the solute fome the solvent Hypothesis: we will get Equipment: Copper sulfate solution, 250mL Beaker, heat proof mat, evaporating basin, element. Method: Set up element Add 100mL of hot water to the beaker and place on the element. Add copper sulfate to the evaporating basin until it is quarter full. Carefully, place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker. Turn on the element to 3 Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated and crystals of solute are forming. Turn off the element- be careful not to touch, as it will be hot for a long time.

Friday, 23 October 2020

Budgeting Crossword - BST

 Budgeting Crossword Puzzle

In business, I have been assigned to make a budgeting crossword. I have included the meanings to some budgeting keywords and you guys can try and figure out what these budgeting keywords are. 
After researching various amounts of these words/meanings relating to the word 'Budgeting' I had some fun learning these, mostly because I don't know some of them, also mainly these words are needed when your older to help with bills, money etc, but I guess its a good idea to learn about them now so we don't have to worry and stress when we get older.

Answers if you get stuck because I suck at writing definitions

Budget: An amount of money you can spend

Income: receiving money for doing a job/work

Savings: An Income not spent and instead of putting aside

Surplus: When you have more money than you need, example cash is money left over after you have paid all of your bills

Deficit: When there isn't a sufficient amount of money to cover all of the expenses and debts

Spend: To give money for goods or services

Wants: To have a desire to own or do

Needs: An absolute craving of man to possess

Finance: The management of large amounts of money, like from governments or large companies

Price Fees: A fixed price charged for a specific service

Necessity: A requirement to survive.

Exchange: To give up something for something else 

Oh and also Do you think this information was useful or not? Why/why not?
and one more thing to add I used google to help with these answers.

Thursday, 27 August 2020


Hi in sustainability we have been Learning about the coronavirus and this fish game. In week two we looked at charts and made up a story about the charts and we played a card game. In week 3 we look at natural resources so that was fun in week 4 we work on the same sustainability issues and watch a video on it in week 5  we basically did the same thing but it was a bit difing. In week 6 to 8 we population calculated so it was on mathletics in week eight we made a house in tinkercad. In week 9 to 13 we have been doing rip rubric so far I have been making a game. We have mang to get the board but not the cards. In week 4 I had a different idea about sustainability. My idea was that we should Exploit the planet and the natural resources so that we can get to Another planet so that we can start again. So this is what I've been doing for sustainability.

Friday, 14 August 2020

innovation challenge

Soap & Body Wash Investigation: Non-Toxic Brands - MAMAVATIONInnovation Challenge
For this week we were assigned to do an innovation challenge and this challenge is to reuse a product and make changes to that product.

2. We use it to wash our hands and bodies, what we hate about it is that it sometimes gets into your eyes and it hurt horribly.

3. I want this product to not be slippery and not hurt when it gets into your eyes.

4. Some positive things about soap are that it cleans. Bathing soap prevents your skin from acne and pimples by cleaning the dirt and oil from the skin. The soap keeps the skin dry by removing the oil.

5. Remove the Alkaline from soap so that it doesn't hurt our eyes and replace it with something else

6. Make it bigger so that it could have a long time using it and clean more.

7. Butters and oils, dry flowers, Oatmeal, dry herbs, seeds, dead sea salt, Honey, milk. Some for fragrance, some are added as active ingredients and some are there to exfoliate or just to add some texture.

8. Soap should get an upgrade to have moisturizer in it so that after a shower we don’t have to put moisturizer on ourselves. The advantages of this are that you don't have to put moisturizer on ourselves after we take a shower. The Disadvantages are that some of the moisturizers was gonna get washed off.
Remove the Alkaline from soap so that it doesn't hurt our eyes and replace it with something else. The Advantages are that the alkaline from the soap doesn't hurt our eyes. Disadvantages we don't know what to replace the alkaline and it could be worse.

9. Link to the advertisement poster

Monday, 10 August 2020

home Ec

 For Food Tech: We Created Stir fry and you should already know how its made. if not it is basically cooking chicken, noodles, and vegetables altogether, and for the flavor, you can add honey. The Product that we made I probably rate it a 6 out of 10 because the looks could have looked better and it was kinda dry and also we could have added more vegetables. Ingredients we used were Noodles, Chicken, and a ton of different vegetables. If I remade it I would add more flavor to make it that every bite gets a taste of it also I might add a little more honey.. Here was our finished product.
-Teamwork rating- I rate my team a 6 because we could have made the stir fry faster.
Our stir fry didn't really look intriguing and that's a hint on what we can work on later on.

Friday, 3 July 2020


this is my business studies work

Monday, 20 April 2020

today's blog but it a Different day

 So today I ate food. I have not sat in bed as much as my sister does. She Basically sits in bed all day. I mean I can't say much because I sit in bed all day too. Anyways as you can see I basically haven't done anything today I did talk to my teacher and classmates in a video chat thing yep That's been my day basically  cuz I'm nice goodbye 

Friday, 17 April 2020

today's blog

ok, wot am I dating today nothing but sit in bed because I got nothing to do today and it is ok because it is my birthday My sister called me in the morning to say happy birthday to me, so I talked to her on the phone for a little bit. Then I had some breakfast and gave the dog a rub. I also did some school work. I turned 14 not too good well this is all I did today

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

what have i done this week?........

what have i done this week?........ its me jared doing a blog.

the only thing ive done this week is mathletics, and a little bit of reading. thats about it oh wait i layed around in my bed for awhile with nothing to do, i also watched tv and ate some food. i did the lawns, cleaned up the dogs mess in the yard um i brought in the dry clothes in off the clothes line as well. i played doom on the ps4 and played assassins creed on the ps3 and watched netflix.

the end.