
Monday, 20 April 2020

today's blog but it a Different day

 So today I ate food. I have not sat in bed as much as my sister does. She Basically sits in bed all day. I mean I can't say much because I sit in bed all day too. Anyways as you can see I basically haven't done anything today I did talk to my teacher and classmates in a video chat thing yep That's been my day basically  cuz I'm nice goodbye 

Friday, 17 April 2020

today's blog

ok, wot am I dating today nothing but sit in bed because I got nothing to do today and it is ok because it is my birthday My sister called me in the morning to say happy birthday to me, so I talked to her on the phone for a little bit. Then I had some breakfast and gave the dog a rub. I also did some school work. I turned 14 not too good well this is all I did today

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

what have i done this week?........

what have i done this week?........ its me jared doing a blog.

the only thing ive done this week is mathletics, and a little bit of reading. thats about it oh wait i layed around in my bed for awhile with nothing to do, i also watched tv and ate some food. i did the lawns, cleaned up the dogs mess in the yard um i brought in the dry clothes in off the clothes line as well. i played doom on the ps4 and played assassins creed on the ps3 and watched netflix.

the end.